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This is What a Feminist Looks Like

Letter from the Editor

Thank Ãœ for discovering the Bubble. It means a great deal to me that you would find yourself here, at this moment, in this time, to share in the Feminist Bubble with our community. The Bubble just popped into my head one day in conversation with my Husband, or rolled off my tongue to be more specific. I was explaining a vision I had, a recurring idea of an online platform that would feature Feminist culture, news, periodicals, politics, and performance.

This is a real tangible need for a space like Feminist Bubble, to combat stereotypes surrounding feminism, debunking gender myths, fake news, and decolonizing our minds from oppressive social constructions.

That may seem like an impossible challenge to mount, but trust me, it will all make perfect sense when we step back outside the bubble to discover the web of interconnections between our lived experiences & systemic oppression.

If Women - Feminists, Womanists, Humanists, Activists, Artists, Allies & Accomplices - are going to take this movement to another level, we are going to need to recover those tools in which our Ancestral Mothers left buried for us among the ashes of history. Dig into the rich intellectual soil that feminism offers, let it nurture your curiosity. Allow it to flower in your habits & tastes, sit in sweetness on your poetic tongue. Mine the narratives of Women who paved the way so that we too may know the way. Let their stories fill you with the truth of who we are, reacquainting us with the distances we have already travailed. In cultivating their stories, saying their names, hearing their voices, seeing their bodies in movement, we can reinvigorate our spirits for paths we must mark by trial, fire & pen.

Feminism is Our Heritage. What shall we make of it today, for tomorrow?


Ãœr Feminist Friend in the Struggle,

Lindsey Lee Alvarezzo

Thanks for Popping In. We hope Ü will visit again soon.

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Los Angeles, CA, USA

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