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Feminist News & Current Events

Intersectional analysis featuring diverse dialogues writing to find common ground & celebrations of diversity.

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The Name of This Song

March 8, 2017

Abstract Pattern 22

Behind the Glass Walls of History: A Herstory

March 8, 2017

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Woes of the Job Market Economy & the College Educated Millennial

March 8, 2017

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Lighting a Fire

March 8, 2017

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New York

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This is your News Article. It’s a great place to update your visitors about industry news, or publish relevant announcements about your company your products, or your organisation. You can also use this space to publish relevant tips and resources to your visitors.

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At New National Park, a Window into Harriet Tubman’s Life After the Underground Railroad

March 10, 2017

As we begin this collective journey to freedom, I want to share with you an amazing story about overcoming incredible obstacles & oppressive systemic barriers. Harriet Tubman was one such Woman. Having been born into American slavery twenty years into the 19th century, Tubman placed everything on the line to liberate herself from the physical, psychological, and institutional bonds of labor & sexual exploitation.
Tubman risked her life over & over again in her voyages as a Conductor on the Underground Railroad, a network of safe houses stewarded by Abolitionists, Suffragists & radical intellectual freedom fighters. It is said that she made the return journey 19 times, freeing some 70 Human Beings - friends, family from the captive of a cruel, iniquitous, morally corrupt, and unjust system.

Escape Reality: Step into Infinity (and the Feminist Bubble) with Yayoi Kusama

March 10, 2017

Step into the Void, and be filled with Incredible Beauty & Insight. Take a journey outside time & space with visionary artist Yayoi Kusama. George & I experienced the Infinity Room at the Broad museum when it was featured as the inaugural installation. We learned there, reflected in the mirror image of our own bodies, that love transcends all cosmetic forces of energy & chaos. 
Learn more about Kusama's traveling installation, Infinity Mirrors, and when her exhibits will visit the inner-dimensions of Los Angeles.

Emily Dickinson & the Power of Feminist Poetic Narratives

 March 10, 2017

Tell all the truth but tell it slant —
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth's superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind —

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